West's Gender Madness Shows It Is 'Decomposing, Ill, at a Dead End'- Russian Church Spokesman

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Society self-destructs while playing pretend. 


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Vladimir Legoyda, the official spokesman for the Russian Orthodox Church and the Patriarch, recently spoke on the Radio Vera program “Bright Evening” about, how a society handles gender issues can provide a window into the state of that society, suggesting that the viability of the society itself can be measured by its reaction to the gender issue. 

Legoyda went on to explain how the fact that Western society seriously entertains the idea of more than two genders, suggests that it is suffering from a serious, life threatening disease, arguing that such a society must "come to a dead end and begin to decompose." 

To this author, it seems the crux of the “gender problem” lies in the overstressed importance of the individual, and their demand that society coddle them and their every whim, and the willingness of modern Western society to do just that. Denying reality itself, it is the ultimate “me” statement: “I will even change the gender my body was made in through human means.” And it contains also a sort of maddening pride, as THIS is how they shall be addressed and portrayed, whatever reality may have to say about it. 

This is about the enforcing of the Will onto Reality and making oneself the arbiter of that reality. Replacing God with the Self. And that, is at the heart of all sinister ritual black magick. Pure Crowleyism. So Satanism. And thus, society comes to the “dead end” spoken of. And thus the destruction and terror being experienced by the West should come as no surprise, as society is given over more and more to demons and their human agents.

How different a picture we see in modern Russia, where basic family values are being enshrined in law, and Christianity is making a triumphal return to the center of public life. 

But we do spare a prayer for the failing West, a decayed, shambling zombie of its former self. As for its ultimate fate, one can only be reminded of Yeats’ dark prophecy, “And what rough beast, its hour come round at last / Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?”  

Read more about this story here. (In Russian)


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