The Unwavering Love of God

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Yana Kapaeva

In these challenging times, a recent encounter with a deep sense of despair prompted me to seek solace in the prayers of my faithful friends. The reassuring response I received was a powerful reminder: "God is aware of your troubles! He is a participant in every event of your life."

These words became a lifeline for me, and I want to share this comforting message with those who may be feeling despondent: "Even when you are drowning in sins and seemingly hopeless circumstances, He extends His hand. Just reach out!"

There are moments when the weight of our transgressions makes it almost shameful to lift our eyes to the sky. We sense an immense chasm between ourselves and God. Yet, even then, He continues to love us and awaits only one thing—repentance. The shame burns from within, and we try to drown it out, but it only consumes us. I know what that feels like. I also know that overcoming oneself and offering this bitterness to God can bring relief.

Picture Christ knocking on the door of our hearts at night, wearing a crown of thorns, sandals on His feet, and holding a lantern. It's evident that the door has been closed for a long time, the threshold overgrown with weeds. Similarly, He knocks on our hearts—not with a fist, not loudly, but gently, only touching with the tips of His fingers.

This gentle knocking is louder during the darkest times of our lives. Yet, we hesitate and don't rush to let the Lord into our lives, often feeling like betrayers. We may think ourselves unworthy of grace, especially of help in resolving the tangled, complex situations we ourselves have created.

However, God loves us, no matter how stained by sins we may be. Remember, all the apostles, except one, betrayed Christ. Peter denied Him three times. No one, except John, stood by when Jesus died on the cross. Yet, the apostles managed to come, repent, confess their imperfections, weaknesses, and cowardice. Only Judas could not bring himself to do so, and we know the tragic consequences for him.

The end has not yet arrived, which means we all still have time. If we turn to the One who eagerly awaits it, we will receive forgiveness. With God's help, there is a way out of any situation. God has no dead ends.


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