Overwhelmed by Worries

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Yana Kapaeva

Illness can result from excessive worrying. It happened to my mom. One day at work, she felt the ground slipping from under her feet. Loss of consciousness, an ambulance, the hospital. She was just over forty at the time. We were threatened with eviction once again, dad drowned his sorrows. The responsibility for two daughters entirely fell on mom's shoulders.

Alone in a big city, without housing, with a meager salary barely covering food. She was very anxious about the future. At that time, I was still in school, my sister was a student. Who would take care of us?

Do you recall when Christ sent His disciples to preach and instructed them not to take any spare shoes, money, or anything at all? Because the worker deserves food, and the Lord won't abandon them. When the apostles returned, they were amazed and joyful. They believed the Lord's words, and indeed, throughout that time, they never lacked anything.

Mom couldn't get a diagnosis for a long time, and her condition worsened. One day, a priest entered her hospital room and asked if anyone wanted to confess and partake in communion. Mom responded. After that, her health started improving. At that moment, my mom could believe that the Lord governs everything in life, and our destiny is in His hands. Trusting in Him, we won't lack anything.

Those were very tough times for our family. However, we never went hungry. Despite everything, we still had a roof over our heads. We never spent a night on the streets. And the most incredible thing happened later when the Lord provided not only the necessary but also beyond what we expected, something we could only dream of.

I remember this. And I want to say to everyone: Let's imitate the disciples of Christ. Let's firmly believe that the Lord will provide everything needed. Perhaps someone is wearing out an old pair of shoes or finishing the last piece of bread right now—Heavenly Father will take care of you. Let's remember that the one who fears is imperfect in love. Doubt and lack of love are what truly disturb our peace.

Program "Private Opinion" on Radio Vera: https://radiovera.ru/slegla-ot-perezhivanij-jana-kapaeva.html

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