This Viral Russian Song to the Virgin Mary Will Melt Your Heart - Valaam Monastery (VIDEO)

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Popular Russian singer brings religious music to the masses.

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In July of 2019, Dmitry Pevtsov, a Russian actor, singer, and parliamentarian well known for his socially conservative and openly Christian views, and the Valaam Monastery Choir performed "Prayer to Our Lady Holy Virgin, Mother Of God" by Ruslan Silin with light piano accompaniment during an international Orthodox chanting festival. This video is a recording of the moving performance. In it, one can hear the ancient melodies of the Russian Orthodox chanting tradition, skillfully melded with modern melodic sensibilities.

Valaam Monastery is a famous Russian monastery and place of spiritual pilgrimage located near the Russian border with Finland in Lake Ladoga. The date of its foundation is lost to history, but it believed to be between the 10th and 14th centuries. The famous Valaam Brotherhood Choir releases liturgical recordings both in Russia and abroad. Although they usually perform in Slavonic, they have released recordings in English. The chanting there has its own name: Valaam Chant, due to having characteristics of both traditional Slavic chant and Byzantine chant like one might hear in Greek lands.

If you'd like to hear more of the choir's singing, click here.

For more info on the Valaam monastery, read here, and here.

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