Russian Authorities to Halve Number of Abortions by 2025

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Russia has approved a plan for the implementation of the Demographic Policy Concept, one of the points of which involves measures to increase the proportion of women who refuse to have an abortion. The developed document is posted on the website of the Government of the Russian Federation. The program implementation period is from 2021 to 2025.

The plan is divided into seven sections, and one of them is devoted to reducing infant mortality and improving reproductive health. In particular, it is planned to increase the availability of services for psychological and medical and social assistance to pregnant women who find themselves in a difficult life situation, which should reduce the number of abortions. 

It is expected that 80% of women who decide to have an abortion will undergo counseling, the purpose of which is to keep the pregnancy. It is assumed that at least half of them eventually decide to keep the child. The demographic policy plan also includes measures to promote traditional family values ​​and improve the well-being of families with children.

Source: Bezformata (Russian)

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