Russia Should Reach Out More to American Christians - My Column in a Major Russian Newspaper

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Russia's 1000 year Christian history is attractive to many good Americans

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Columnist: Fr. Joseph Gleason

The Russian Gazette (Rossiyskaya Gazeta) just invited me to start writing a column for them. RG has a special status in Russian media because it is the official publication of the Russian Government, i.e. the President and his administration, the equivalent of the cabinet in the US. It is what Pravda was during the USSR. Technically, you could say that Putin is the publisher. It's one of Russia's biggest newspapers, but it carries a special authority as the official mouthpiece of the government. For this reason, it is carefully read by government officials, including very senior people in Putin's administration. One couldn't ask for a better platform for getting a message through to the people running Russia.

I wanted to tell them something important about Americans. I wanted them to know that many good Christian Americans are Russia’s allies, not its enemies. The real enemy is not the American people, but rather the American government. The first piece I wrote for RG was just published this week. Here is an English translation:

Tens of Millions of Russia’s Potential Allies Live in the U.S.

I read that Vladimir Putin advocated visa-free entry to Russia for citizens from unfriendly countries, and I rejoiced. Not to respond with evil to evil is the Christian thing to do. But that's not the only point. Just believe that Russia's best friends are American Christians. There are tens of millions of potential allies of Russia in the U.S. today, and Russia needs to tap into this valuable resource. It is made up of traditional Christians, and the American government is also an enemy to them.

Having been born in America and now living in Russia, I see what happens in both worlds. My family and I moved to Russia six years ago, but many friends and relatives in the U.S. are not as blessed. They are still trying to survive in a world dominated by a government-approved and imposed new ideology that promotes every perversion under the sun.

Know that when they learn the truth about Russia, it is like a breath of fresh air for them. When they are freed from propaganda and realize that there is still a country on earth that honors traditional family values, where good and evil do not change places, they are greatly relieved and encouraged. They become allies with Russia, support it, and pray for its success. There are many of them. Some of them are even moving here to become part of this great country.

This week my homeland's most popular TV host, Tucker Carlson, gave everyone a glimpse of real Satanism by airing a video that went viral in the United States and Russia. I mean Congressman Jamie Raskin, who called for the destruction of Russia for practicing Christian values. His message resonated with tens of millions of Christians in America because they are oppressed by the same politicians in Washington. And they have begun to realize that they have more in common with Russia than with the leaders of their own country.

If Russia is going to awaken this huge circle of allies, if it wants to attract new citizens and new tourists, then Russia needs to write more in English, Spanish, and all other languages about its thousand years of Christian history. Yes, Vladimir Putin talks about it regularly, but do you really think his words are quoted on CNN? God be with you, brothers. If the very fact that Russia is a traditional Christian country is communicated to the United States, it will surely attract millions of Americans, forming a common alliance against the American government — the truly godless oppressors who hold my dear homeland hostage today.

Source: Fr. Joe’s Newsletter - Moving to Russia

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We are also on Facebook and Instagram which have been designated terrorist organizations by the Russian government.