Putin Makes Instruction About Christianity Mandatory in Russian Universities

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Another welcome integration of Faith into public life.

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In mid-December President Putin, in another bold display of the unity of purpose between the Church and State, mandated, among other things, for a University level class on the "History of Religions of Russia."

While there was a time Theology was referred to as the “Queen of the Sciences,” Western universities and societies now foam at the mouth at any mention of religion or its presence in official coursework, desiring more to mint mindless activists rather than scholars prepared to engage a complex and challenging world, but President Putin, desiring a higher caliber of graduate for Russia, is calmly and wisely guiding Russia down its conservative path, fully aware that Faith is the at the heart of the mind of the individual that the University as an institution has traditionally sought to expand and polish.

The course seeks to enlighten the individual as to the history and importance of Russia’s traditional religious confessions, educating communities about each other; the things that unite them as Russians, and the things that make their communities distinct. This promotes mutual respect that leads to the societal harmony that Russia enjoys among its diverse ethnic and religious groups.

Read more about it here. (In Russian)

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We are also on Facebook and Instagram which have been designated terrorist organizations by the Russian government.