How People Come to Church Today

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Sergey Komarov

The ways in which people find their way to church in our time are truly fascinating. Often, these journeys are accompanied by the most astonishing stories, sometimes tragic, and sometimes amusing.

For instance, there's a story of a devout young woman who found her way to church through prosphora. Prosphora are consecrated bread that you can buy at the church. This young woman simply loved them as food. She would buy them in bulk from the church but never stayed for the service. This went on for several years. One day, while picking up her prosphora, she decided to stay for the evening service — and she realized that there was something more significant in the church than just the prosphora, something greater that she needed. She encountered God in the church.

Another woman shared that she came to the church through condemnation. While still a student, she wrote a scathing, angry article on social media about a bishop. A certain priest responded to her. His letter was so intelligent, tactful, and truthful that she felt like a sinner, a criminal, and she went to the church to repent. That's how her journey in the church began.

Then, there's another story. A Persian student once came to our church. He asked for baptism. He told us that Jesus Christ appeared to him and instructed him to do so. He was baptized, and later he returned to Iran.

We live in an astonishing world! God never tires of writing scripts for the salvation of human souls, and we never cease to be amazed by the most unexpected plot twists.

And you might ask yourself, if you're already in the church — how did the Lord call me? Because your story is unique too. Remember it and write it down. Let it be recorded, even in some form. Maybe it will be passed down to your children, maybe someone will print it, or maybe you yourself will shed tears over it someday when the time comes. Just as the entire information of the world's ocean is contained in a single drop of seawater, so is God's love for humanity concentrated in the story of the salvation of one soul.

And if you're not in the church, think — is the Lord leading you there? Through faithful people you encounter on your life's journey? Through books, music, or movies that have prompted you to contemplate God, life, and death? Through some unexpected twists of fate that have shown you how transient, temporary, and fleeting everything around you is? If a person seriously ponders their life, they will understand that God has taken a thousand steps towards them, trying to awaken faith within them. And perhaps it's time to take a step towards Him? Towards the God who always seeks us and awaits our turning to Him.


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