Lesbian White House Press Secretary Reveals Moral Degradation of America, says Russian Church

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The Russian Orthodox Church considers the appointment of Karin Jean-Pierre, representing the lesbian community, as the White House press secretary as a sign of the degradation of American society.

"We definitely do not welcome the activities of this community, and I believe that the appointment of representatives of this community to such public positions once again testifies to the moral degradation of society in those countries where this happens," - Metropolitan Hilarion, head of the Department for External Church Relations of the Russian Orthodox Church, said on the air of the Russian state TV channel.

He said that he does not expect "anything good" from the new White House press secretary, because the appointment of Jean-Pierre is in line with the propaganda of sexual perversions, with which the Russian Church "cannot agree in any way."

According to the metropolitan, this applies to any country in the world where the Russian Church is present, including the United States of America.

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