Emperor Nicholas Saves Priest in Donetsk from Certain Death

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Fr. Victor Pedchenko, Parish Rector from Donetsk, was heavily wounded on June 23 in the church yard by an Ukrainian missile and placed in the intensive care unit. Now his condition in improving, and he was able to relate his miraculous delivery from death.

- The munition went off some 5 to 7 meters (20') away from me. I would have certainly been killed, had it not been for the recently installed monument to the Emperor St. Nicholas II. It shielded me from most of the shrapnel generated by the explosion.

The warden of his parish was also injured by the same missile, and another parishioner was killed.

Source: https://www.miloserdie.ru/news/czar-zashhitil-ot-vernoj-gibeli-stalo-izvestno-o-sostoyanii-svyashhennika-ranennogo-v-doneczke/

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