Oksana Fomina
Faith in God and climate

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Oksana Fomina

A few days ago, a summit of religious leaders was held in Rome, preceding the 26th session of the UN Conference on Climate Change. The event, organized by the Embassies of Great Britain and Italy to the Holy See, was attended by heads and representatives of Christian Churches, world religions, and the diplomatic corps. The Russian Orthodox Church was represented at this summit by Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, Chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate's Department for External Church Relations.

In his speech at the summit, Metropolitan Hilarion said that the current environmental situation has its reasons for the desire of some to profit at the expense of others, as well as unfair enrichment. He called on religious leaders to take joint responsibility for the present and the future of humanity.

Metropolitan Hilarion also cited a 2013 document outlining the views of the Russian Church on the global environmental crisis. Russian Russian Orthodox Church, in accordance with the document "The Position of the Russian Orthodox Church on topical environmental issues" adopted by the Bishops' Council in 2013, "considers it a duty to promote the strengthening of people belonging to different social, ethno-cultural, age and professional communities, a sense of joint responsibility for the preservation of God's creation and to support their work in this direction."

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