In the realm of art and the human spirit, a recent incident involving a friend taught me a profound lesson about brokenness and the path to restoration. My friend, an avid collector of contemporary art, faced a challenging situation when he had to temporarily store his cherished collection.
Trusting friends to provide a space, he soon found out that the room was leased to others in his absence. Times were tough, and the collection was unceremoniously relegated to the basement. The shock he experienced upon discovering his once carefully curated pieces strewn across the dimly lit space was palpable.
As we comforted our distressed collector, the question lingered in my mind: How does one mend works of art? Do you turn to a restorer, attempt a DIY fix, or, in despair, bid farewell to the shattered fragments? And, perhaps more challenging, how do you face the creators afterward?
Amidst our contemplation, our collector already knew what to do.
He took the torn paintings and fractured sculptures to their creators, their originators. With deep remorse and sincere apologies, he returned the broken masterpieces to their makers. Admitting failure to safeguard them was undoubtedly awkward, and witnessing the pain in the eyes of the artists was heart-wrenching.
Yet, only the artists themselves could truly restore their paintings and sculptures.
In a way, it's reminiscent of our relationship with the Divine. Like a broken masterpiece, I, too, am a creation – a flawed one. Even worse, I am a broken masterpiece of God. He doesn't create duplicates. I can seek help from doctors, psychologists, or choose to ignore the torn canvas of my soul, much like avoiding the fragmented pieces of a painting. However, only the Creator can truly restore.
The marvel lies in the inherent regenerative ability instilled by God in nature. Cut a finger, and within weeks, it heals, often leaving no scar. This parallels, in a profound way, the soul's ability to heal. The Creator, in His wisdom, embedded regenerative processes in both the body and the spirit.
Yet, to access this restoration, one must approach the Creator, admit the brokenness, endure the awkwardness or shame, and seek reconciliation. Recently, overwhelmed by a sense of regret for a series of missteps, the clear answer resonated in my mind: "Go to confession!"
I pondered – can it be that simple? To confess, to admit wrongs, to repent, and that's it? Where is the punishment? The punishment was already borne by Christ on my behalf. Now, I need only come to the Creator, and He will fix, repair, and restore. Without a doubt, He loves His masterpieces dearly.
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