St. Theophan the Recluse: Outer Simplicity, Inner Glory

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Friday, July 22 (9), 2022

1Cor.4:5-8; Mt. 13:44-54

When the Lord came to Nazareth, he did not find faith there [Mt. 13:53-58].  His outer, visible simplicity covered from the Nazarenes His inner invisible glory and divinity.

Doesn’t the same thing happen with any faithful Christian?  The principles of the Christian faith are very simple in appearance, but for an inquisitive mind they present a comprehensive, coherent system, completely beyond the abilities of any created intellect.  Modern arrogance, unimpressed by Christian simplicity, turns away from it and begins constructing an edifice of knowledge on its own, seemingly impressive edifice and a great vantage point.  In fact, however, it can build only a house of cards, with nothing but apparitions seen from the rooftop.

But no one cares, to be sure.  The arrogant mob is ready to cast down headlong from the edge of the hill anyone who dares to argue against its folly, yet the truth, safely passing through their midst  [Lk. 4:29-30], goes on to those who would listen to its message.

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