The Holy Martyrs Marcian and Martyrius
Two clerics once served in a cathedral in Constantinople, the reader Marcian and the deacon Martyrius. They had a special and very honorable obedience. They were assistants to Patriarch Paul, who was called a confessor.
But one day, a misfortune happened for the whole Orthodox world. The heretics banished and secretly executed the righteous Patriarch Paul, and they handed the see over to their candidate, the heretic Macedonius.
Since they had been close to the saint, the Arians tried to bend Marcian and Martyrius to their side, welcoming them, flattering them, and promising them the wealth of gifts given to the archbishop. But they expended all their eloquence in vain. The clergymen were committed to Orthodoxy. The threats of torture and death, with which the wicked men frightened the saints, also had no effect.
Marcian and Martyrius firmly confessed the Faith proclaimed by the Church Fathers.
Being sentenced to death, the holy martyrs called out to the Lord,
"O God, receive the souls of your servants in peace, for we are dying to everything for You, and we have become like sheep for the slaughter. We rejoice that we are departing from life with such a death for Your name's sake. Make us worthy to be partakers of eternal life with You, the source of life."
Becoming radiant with quiet joy, Marcian and Martyrius bowed their heads beneath the swords of the wicked ones.
The Orthodox Christians buried the bodies of the holy martyrs with honor.
Later on, a church was built in their honor. Their holy relics, which had become famous because of miraculous healings, were transferred to their church.
October 25 (new calendar) / November 7 (old calendar) is the feast day of the Holy Martyrs Marcian and Martyrius.