Russian Doctors Now Prohibited from Suggesting Abortion for Pregnant Mothers

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In the year 1920 in Russia, the totalitarian Communist government of Russia legalized infanticide, that is, the killing of a child in the mother’s womb (abortion). They guaranteed such a “service” to anyone, free for the asking. That was the first time in human history for a nation to legalize such murders.

Much has changed since then, over the course of a century. Our nation is gradually cleansing itself from the dismal legacy of the godless era. The issue of abortion still remains unresolved, but some progress, if slow and uneven, is being achieved in recent years under the current administration. 

Needless to say, it is important to consider the stance of the medical community and public health authority in this battle for the life of the unborn. A long-awaited order just been issued by the Russian Federation Ministry of the Public Health.

In Russia, medical personnel are now prohibited from making any statements suggesting an option to abort a child. Likewise, it is prohibited to make a subjective assessment of the future hardships of motherhood and family life.

On the contrary, every medical consultant must disclose to a pregnant woman full information about the government and public support programs that are available, including addresses and phone numbers of organizations where support can be obtained for a young mother — including situations where help is needed for parents of children with developmental disorders and genetic diseases.

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