Putin: Russian Nation Owes Its Birth to Chistianity 1000 years ago

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To a large extent, in the West it is considered possible to rescind the Christian faith, marginalize it or move into a strictly private area. The Russians, however, having suffered heavily from forgetting Christ, feel it a must to firmly hold on to Him, lest they perish.

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Over the years, both Western and Russian scholars in the field of history  noted that Russia has always seemed to be a more Christian nation than her European neighbors. There are in fact objective historical reasons why this is the case.

The recent meeting of the Russian President V. Putin with historians and religious leaders in a prestigious and spacious conference hall next to the Red Square in Moscow was convened, in particular, to reintroduce this subject to the public view. But in general, this meeting, previously unheard of, was dedicated to the Day of Russian National Unity, a state holiday and the Church observance commemorating the liberation of Moscow from the Polish troops in  the year 1612.

Greeting the participants, Mr. Putin said:

I congratulate you and all the citizens of our country, all the citizens of Russia on this holiday, which marks our common heartfelt devotion to Russia, love for it, the unity of the country's multinational people in the face of trials and historical challenges: this has always been one of the key elements in our existence.

You know very well that the origins of the holiday go back centuries, when our people rose to fight for liberty, cleared the land of civil strife, betrayal and humiliation, put an end to the Time of Troubles, restored the lawful authority and statehood. Such moments, when men of different ethnic origin and religion united for the salvation of the Fatherland, are the backbone of the entire Russian history.

National life, however, is a reflection of national spirit; The adversary of mankind plots the destruction of liberty, enslavement of independent nations, obliterating their national will and spirit; and the same adversary is determined to defeat Christ in human hearts, to obliterate His image and likeness in men.

Nazism, hate, malice - these are the means he employs to this end. This is clearly visible in the current military conflict in Ukraine:

It is Ukraine, the Ukrainian people, who are the first and main victim of hatred toward Russians, toward Russia, fanned by outside forces. And you know very well that in Russia it’s the other way round: we have always seen the Ukrainians as friends and brothers.That’s how it is, despite the current tragic confrontation - continued the President.

Christian nature of the Russian national spirit has a very deep and objective reason behind it: the Russian nation itself  was brought into being by the conversion to Orthodox Christianity 1000 years ago. Mr. Putin made a special accent on this fact in his talk:

We know how Russian statehood began - both Old Ladoga, and Novgorod, and then Kiev. The unity, the unified centralized state began… with the Baptism.

Why? Because the statehood began to form on the basis of the power of the prince, a unified economy and market, language and faith. All that allowed to unite the once fragmented, often hostile Slavic tribes. And not only Slavic - then began to join tribes of different faiths and ethnic origin, and a large multinational, powerful, centralized Russian state emerged. Therefore, the religious history, the history of the church is inseparable from the history of the Russian nation. 

Russian statehood was reborn again when the Orthodox Church motivated the local princes to unite and overturn the yoke of Mongol nomads 400 years later. Same thing happened a number of times. over and again, up until the recent past when the Orthodox Church prevented the outbreak of a civil war at the moment of dismantling the Soviet empire.

With this regard, Russia is substantially different from most Western nations that had had their well-developed culture prior to accepting Christ, as classic Greece, ancient Roman Empire, Germanic and Celtic tribes. Their pre-Christian legacy was originally merged with Chistianity, but later, ever since the Renaissance and especially nowadays, stands in the way of Jesus and His Gospel. - Not so with the Russians.

Thus, to a large extent, in the West it is considered possible to rescind the Christian faith, marginalize it or move into a strictly private area. The Russians, however, having suffered heavily from forgetting Christ, feel it a must to firmly hold on to Him, lest they perish.

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