All Russian Schools Teach Christianity, Traditional Family Values - Reject Godless Western Consumerism

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Schools are the frontline in Russia's battle with the malevolent ideology of Western elites, says Russia's Minister of Education.

The national educational system in Russia is undergoing a substantial shift aimed at coupling primary and secondary education with the traditional moral and religious foundations embedded in the national history and national mind. - Testimony to this effect has been presented by the Russian Minister of Education Mr. Sergei Kravtsov in his address to the 24th Annual Assembly of the World Russian People's Congress held in Moscow on October 25-26.

Such a turnabout has become necessary to help the young Russians get rid of the burden of godless pseudo-culture which is presently dominating much of the educational space in the Western countries and which has been forcibly introduced in Russia through mass media and diverse “progressive educational initiatives”, funded by Western influence groups:

… In the West, unlike Russia, traditional Christian values have been suppressed and rejected for centuries in favor of a consumer society focused on profit and pleasure. Moreover, these pseudo false values are aimed at the destruction of family, state and society under the guise of individualism and pretense of equality.

This tide ought to be stemmed unconditionally, - indicated the top Russian education official, - since it has become a means of neo-colonialist aggression of the Western powers against Russia and the entire Globe:

Given the dominance of certain influence groups or whole countries over the world population, a neo-colonial world order is being established. The Western leaders put forward their “unique universal human values” and attempt to impose them on all other nations. That’s what we are witnessing today: continuous attempts to undermine the moral foundations of our society along with the basis of our well-being and prosperity.

Naturally Russia is resisting this. As the President of our country has recently observed, there has been a move to a radical denial of the moral norms of religion and family. For us, all this is unacceptable: our future is different.  

Mr. Kravtsov focused particular attention on the present point in history when the military conflict is raging in Ukraine, fueled not so much by political confrontations, but predominantly by the adversaries of Christianity and traditional moral principles:

Today our country and the world are experiencing a truly critical historical moment. The Western consumer society is dying out. In my view, we are entering a new era,  an epoch of moral awakening linked with the revival of traditional values, a strong family, creative work, responsibility for the fate of the Fatherland, the priority of the spiritual over the material, contrary to consumerism, to those outcomes of progress which form a pattern of destructive ideas and actions, - underscored the Russian Minister of Education.

Following is the full text of the address of  Mr. Sergei Kravtsov to the 24th Annual Assembly of the World Russian People's Congress

Your Holiness, esteemed colleagues, I would like to thank you for the floor. First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to all those present for the untiring attention you pay to the issues of upbringing, developing education and educating the younger generation in the spirit of our traditional spiritual and moral values. 

Just as His Holiness the Patriarch has exposed it in great detail, in the West, unlike Russia, traditional Christian values have been suppressed and rejected for centuries in favor of a consumer society focused on profit and pleasure. Moreover, these pseudo false values are aimed at the destruction of family, state and society under the guise of individualism and pretense of equality.

Given the dominance of certain influence groups or whole countries over the world population, a neo-colonial world order is being established. The Western leaders put forward their “unique universal human values” and attempt to impose them on all other nations. That’s what we are witnessing today: continuous attempts to undermine the moral foundations of our society along with the basis of our well-being and prosperity.

Naturally Russia is resisting this. As the President of our country has recently observed, there has been a move to a radical denial of the moral norms of religion and family. For us, all this is unacceptable: our future is different. 

Today our country and the world are experiencing a truly critical historical moment. The Western consumer society is dying out. In my view, we are entering a new era,  an epoch of moral awakening linked with the revival of traditional values, a strong family, creative work, responsibility for the fate of the Fatherland, the priority of the spiritual over the material, contrary to consumerism, to those outcomes of progress which form a pattern of destructive ideas and actions. 

All attempts to impose on Russia those false values of consumerism and false ethical principles, to force Russians to betray our moral ideals, have been unsuccessful. This has been the purpose of the unprecedented sanctions, to intimidate Russians by threatening to deprive us of material goods. Many countries that could have opposed the colonial regime succumbed to the enormous pressure on them. But Russia held out - just as she always did. 

I would like to stress that education on the basis of traditional Russian religious and moral values has always been and remains one of the most important goals of our educational system. Today we have introduced in our secondary schools a new position of the Advisor to the Principal on moral development matters. A network of coordinators for patriotic education has been created, and the Russian Children and Youth Movement has been founded. 

We must make sure that all this work is systematic and consistent, and touches all children in all regions of our vast country. For this we are continuing to strengthen the unity of the educational space. Thus, the updated federal state educational standards outline clear guidelines for the spiritual, patriotic personal development of children. The new education programs allow to promote a unified approach to teaching the history of literature, social studies, and other disciplines, which help form the worldview of students. Given the incessant attempts from the outside to distort the historical truth, we consider it necessary to further strengthen historical education at schools. 

 A key role in the spiritual and moral education is also given to the subjects of religious culture and secular ethics. Every school week for every grade in each school now begins with a new lesson called “A talk on important things”. At these lessons children discuss key historical events and holidays of our country. They ask questions on topics of concern. They talk about traditional human values. There have already been classes dedicated to Father's Day, Mother's Day, Senior Citizens' Day. 

We consider it very important that it is at school that children get a valuable idea about their culture, about the unique country they live in, about their predecessors. In interesting, accessible formats they learn about peaceful and military achievements of their compatriots. Therefore familiarity with the history of Russia helps us resist the falsehood flowing from the transatlantic transnational companies. 

Thus the era of moral awakening has already begun within the system of education, and we look forward, Your Holiness, for further fruitful cooperation with the Russian Orthodox Church. Thank you for your attention.

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