One famous designer went through the attitude of the Orthodox to the relics. On the one hand, what does an unbeliever care about believers? And on the other hand, it would be necessary to sort out the issue. Indeed, why is it that the Orthodox are always striving to venerate the remains of their saints?
It wasn't invented yesterday. At least two thousand stormy years, this tradition counts. And it would be good for uninitiated people to know this. What are relics? Many years (and even centuries!) theologians argued what to consider relics. Finally, it was agreed that these are generally any remains of people whom the Church considers saints. As the textbooks say, the basis for the veneration of holy relics is already found in the Old Testament. And they do meet there, but in order not to overload the designer's followers with information, I will try to explain why they are needed.
Firstly, there is no temple without relics. The tradition is that in every temple, in the altar there is an antimins. This is a board, without which the liturgy is impossible, and inside this board are always sewn fragments of the relics of some saint. The Church has gained many holy martyrs throughout its history, so there are enough relics of the saints of God for everyone. Many of them became martyrs because someone doubted their usefulness, both in ancient times and in our near 30s. Even early Christians prayed on the bones of innocently murdered martyrs for the faith. It was this that strengthened their spirit and gave them strength to pray.
And secondly, if we talk about the etymology of the word "religion", then we will discover many wonderful discoveries. One interpretation says that the Latin religare leads us to the meaning of "to link, to bind". So in the broadest sense, "religion" is what connects us with the past. People, by their very nature, are ephemeral beings. We constantly need both internal support and a connection with something that makes us a little stronger and more solid. That's why we love to look at old photos, participate in flash mobs "how I was in the 90s" and even endlessly look at the "discos of the 80s". This is what connects us with a cloudless childhood and youth, friends in the yard and young parents.
So, for people who believe and live in God, all this past is not just photos from childhood. The past is the universal past, everything that was from Christ, everything that connects us with the events of Sacred history. And it is very important for us to be connected together together. Therefore, artifacts from the past and even sacred bones are those invisible threads connecting the Christian martyrs of the first and subsequent centuries and us, modern, advanced and technologically advanced.
And finally, the most important thing. Christians believe in the Holy Spirit, Grace and Succession. What comes from the Father, what consecrates temples, icons and relics, what makes us true Christians.
And all these two thousand years, there are people who are ready to doubt, insult, or even abuse the shrines, just because they do not feel, do not want and cannot feel either grace, meaning, or the past.
We will survive, not for the first time. And God is never scolded, there is nothing to be afraid of.