The Yaselki festival of homemade Christmas Nativity scenes was held in Sarov

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From January 10 to January 12, the VI festival of homemade Christmas Nativity scenes "Yaselki" took place in the cultural and educational center of the Sarov deanery of the Nizhny Novgorod Diocese. Over three days, the actors of the MIR Orthodox creative association and guests from Moscow and St. Petersburg performed eight performances. They were attended by about 500 spectators. Half of the events within the framework of the festival were designed for teenagers from 12 years old and adults. But all the events were united by the theme of Christmas. Before the performances, all the guests of the Nursery were congratulated on Christmas by the priests of the Sarov deanery.
The performance "The Nativity Scene" by the Orthodox creative association "MiR" was shown for children. This is a classic nativity scene, which has been played annually by the members of the association since 1994 and on which not only the current children, but also their parents grew up. The second children's play, The Christmas Miracle, was brought by the puppet theater Without a Curtain from St. Petersburg (directed by Yulia Moreva). 
The Theater Without a Curtain is used to performing not on the theater stage, but in a mobile format. Actors Zinaida Yeremenko, Yulia and Anna Moreva come to the small audience themselves, and all their props are small. In addition to the puppets, they used elements of shadow theater and lighting effects, creating a sense of wonder for the viewer. 
For all three days, the Sarov audience communicated with the participants of the Youth project "Event" from Moscow. This creative project was created eight years ago by Anna Alekseeva at the church in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "Recovery of the dead" on the highway Enthusiasts. It includes young parishioners from different churches. These are not professional actors, but people of various professions. 
The next day, Sarov residents saw an example of personal storytelling in the play "Christmas Tales". The participants of the performance told six real life stories.

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