Russian Village Church Celebrates Sunday Morning Service in Slavonic, Portuguese, & English

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Orthodox Christian families from America, Russia, Brazil, and Scotland attended the Sunday morning Divine Liturgy on November 7, 2021, at the Church of the Holy Theophany in the little village of Krasnovo, around 200 km (125 miles) north of Moscow.

Local parishioners include multiple Russian families and two American families who relocated to Russia. Guests included a family from Scotland who recently relocated to Suzdal, Russia, an American family visiting from Missouri, and a family from Brazil who now lives in nearby Rostov.

With 43 people in attendance, from four nations, it seemed fitting to celebrate the service in multiple languages. Fr. Joseph served the majority of the liturgy in Church Slavonic (old Russian), and made sure the Americans, Scotts, and Brazilians were not left out.

In the three opening litanies, all three languages were covered. The first litany was in Slavonic, the second litany was in Portuguese, and the third litany was in English. The Creed, the Lord's Prayer, and the Epistle were chanted in all three languages. The Gospel was chanted in both Slavonic and English. The homily was preached in English, then translated into Russian.

On most Sundays, the liturgy is celebrated in two languages: Slavonic and English. The third language (Portuguese) is added whenever the family from Brazil comes to visit.  

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