The Price of Forgiveness

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Сергей Худиев

The Gospel proclaims that anyone who comes to Christ with repentance and faith will be forgiven. This applies to everyone, including the most dreadful sinners.

This statement often evokes sincere outrage - where is the justice? What about the suffering of the people who suffered from these evildoers? Do they not matter? Can we just ignore them as if they were nothing?

This is a very serious objection. Evil demands retribution. Blood - especially innocent blood - cries to heaven for vengeance. We cannot just pat the wrongdoer on the back as soon as he says he was wrong and regrets it, saying, "Oh well, let's forget about these trivial things." Because they are not trivial, and human blood is not water.

The condemnation of human sins and transgressions must occur - and it has. One Man, innocent, took upon Himself all the crimes of humankind. He came to judgment as if He were all sinners at once and died a horrible death of the cursed and rejected, descending into hell in terrible agony.

This man is Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Righteous One, and His sacrificial death is sufficient for the redemption of all sins of all people. He rose from the dead - and the fruits of His perfect atonement can be utilized by all who come to Him in repentance and faith.

Forgiveness comes at a high cost - much higher than the wrongdoers could pay. It must be paid for with blood - as the Scriptures say, "without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness" (Heb. 9:22). And this payment has been made in full.

But this applies not only to other people, whom we can easily recognize as guilty. It applies to us as well. Our sins demand judgment upon ourselves.

Is it worth being upset that wrongdoers can escape the deserved punishment when our own sins also deserve punishment? Sin is not the problem of some other people; it is our problem too.

And there is only one way out of this situation - Christ died for our sins. We can accept forgiveness and eternal life by repenting and believing.

The blood of Christ is enough to redeem the sins and transgressions of the whole world - including ours.

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