The III Sunday School Football Festival in honor of St. Alexander Nevsky was held in Yekaterinburg

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More than 40 participants consisting of eight teams from three churches in three age groups (9-10, 11-12 and 13-14 years old) took part in a mini-football tournament in honor of St. Alexander Nevsky today.

The tournament was solemnly opened by addressing the audience on behalf of the organizer of the tournament — the Yekaterinburg diocese — the head of the sports and patriotic department, Abbot Meliton (Zybin).
In his address, Father Meliton recalled that back in 2008, Alexander Nevsky was chosen by Internet voting as the "name of Russia". At the same time, he was canonized, and even the faithful, that is, Orthodox saints from the monarchs — rulers of the Russian state, who, being anointed by God, followed the Holy Scriptures with their words, deeds, thoughts, and were preachers of Christianity.
The name of Alexander Nevsky is inextricably linked with the Ice Battle on Lake Peipsi. With competent strategies, skillful tactical actions, wise and timely maneuver, the army under his leadership defeated the foreign invaders, managed to stand and win. Abbot Meliton drew attention to the fact that in mini-football, unlike classical football, any player participates both in attack and defense, while often playing "one-on-one", freely maneuvering on a limited field. These skills, which are in many ways similar to the strategy and tactics of modern warfare, can play a decisive role in ensuring that each of the competitors can stand up and win both in this tournament and in life in general. At the same time, mini-football is a team game, and both "one in the field is not a warrior" and in team sports, only together can you succeed.
In conclusion, the abbot addressed the athletes with the words:
— It is known that Alexander Nevsky is the patron saint of the Russian diplomatic service, the Land Forces and the Marines of the Russian Navy. And no matter what path of life you choose, no matter who you become in the future, remember that St. Alexander Nevsky always protects Russia, is its name and supports all of us in the sacred struggle for freedom and independence of our homeland, Russia. Together we can stand and win! With God!
Each young athlete received a commemorative medal and a gift from Metropolitan Evgeny of Yekaterinburg and Verkhotursky – the book "Alexander Yaroslavovich" about the life of a soldier, Grand Duke, Russian saint Alexander Nevsky.

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