Russian Orthodox German Christian Youth Organization Established in Germany

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We are also on Facebook and Instagram which have been designated terrorist organizations by the Russian government.

The present state of world affairs does not seem conducive to extending friendly international relations. To much regret, this applies to Germany where Russophobia is on the rise, to the tunes coming from the globalist bureaucracy.

Yet from day one the Christians have been used to charging against the current – if only the charge is for Christ and with Him. So, in the city of Bad Kissingen in Bavaria, Germany, a new pubic organization has just been officially born, “Russische Orthodoxe Jugend Deutschland eingetragener Verein”, that is, the registered union of Russian Orthodox Youth in Germany.

Archbishop Job, who presided over the organizational meeting, stated in his address that the formation of a youth organization in Germany should be based on its participants’ unity in Christ through one faith and the Eucharist. The declared purpose of the union is to coordinate the youth work, to help develop youth associations in parishes, and to obtain and distribute funds for the work.

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We are also on Facebook and Instagram which have been designated terrorist organizations by the Russian government.