The Church remembers the Holy Great Martyr Catherine

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Saint Catherine was born in Alexandria in the second half of the third century. She came from a noble family and was distinguished by a bright mind, scholarship and beauty. Many rich and noble suitors sought her hand in marriage, and her mother and relatives persuaded her to agree to the marriage. But Catherine hesitated with an answer and told her family: "If you want me to get married, then find me a young man like me in beauty and scholarship."
God arranged it so that Catherine met a hermit elder, a man of bright mind and righteous life. Discussing with Catherine the merits of her fans, the elder said: "I know a Groom who surpasses you in everything. There is no one like him." Then he gave her an icon of the Blessed Virgin, promised that it would help her see the extraordinary Groom.
The next night, Catherine imagined in a light dream that the Heavenly Queen, surrounded by angels, was standing in front of her and holding a Boy in her arms, shining like the sun. Catherine tried in vain to look at His face: He turned away from her. "Do not despise Your creation," the Mother of God prayed to her Son, "tell her what she must do to see Your bright face." "Let her return to the elder and find out from him," the Boy replied.
The wonderful dream deeply impressed the girl. As soon as morning came, she hurried to the elder, fell at his feet and asked his advice. The elder explained to her in detail the true faith, told her about the heavenly bliss of the righteous and about the death of sinners. The wise virgin realized the superiority of the Christian faith over the pagan one, believed in Jesus Christ as the Son of God and accepted holy baptism. After the baptism, the divine light penetrated into her and filled her with great joy.
When Catherine returned home with a renewed soul, she prayed for a long time, thanking God for the mercy shown to her. Having fallen asleep during prayer, she saw the Mother of God again. Now the Divine Boy was looking at her mercifully. The Blessed Virgin took the maiden's right hand, and the Boy put on her a wonderful ring, saying: "Do not know an earthly bridegroom." Catherine realized that from that moment on she was betrothed to Christ and woke up with even greater joy in her heart. After that, she completely changed and became humble, meek and gracious. She began to pray to God often, asking for guidance and help. One goal inspired her: to live for Christ.
Maximian (286-305), co-ruler of Emperor Diocletian, soon arrived in Alexandria. He sent messengers to the cities of Egypt to summon the people to a feast in honor of the pagan gods. Catherine grieved that the tsar, instead of promoting the enlightenment of the people, was further inculcating pagan superstitions. When the feast came, she came to the temple, where the priests, the nobility and the people gathered, and fearlessly said to the king: "Aren't you ashamed, king, to pray to vile idols! Know the true God, the beginningless and infinite; by him kings reign and the world stands. He came down to earth and became a man for our salvation."
Maximian was angry with Catherine for disrespecting his royal dignity and ordered her to be imprisoned. Then he told the learned people to convince Catherine of the truth of the pagan religion. For several days they presented various arguments in favor of pagan religion to the girl, but Catherine, with her logic and reasonable arguments, smashed them to dust. She proved to them that there can be only one wise Creator of everything, who by his perfections infinitely rises above the pagan deities. In the end, the pagan sages recognized themselves defeated by the all-destroying logic of Catherine. Having failed on intellectual grounds, Maximian, however, did not back down from his intention to convince Catherine. Having called her, he tried to seduce her with gifts, promises of honors and glory. But Catherine remained incorruptible.
Maximian had to leave the city for a short time. His wife, Tsarina Augusta, who had heard a lot about Catherine's wisdom, wished to see her. After meeting and talking with Catherine, Augusta believed in Christ and accepted the Christian faith.
When Maximian returned to Alexandria, he sent for Catherine again. This time he took off the mask of benevolence and began to threaten Catherine with torture and death. Then he ordered wheels with sharp teeth to be brought and ordered her to be put to this terrible execution. But as soon as the torment began, as an invisible force crushed the instrument of torment, St. Catherine remained unharmed. Queen Augusta, upon learning of the incident, appeared before her husband and began to reproach him for daring to rebel against God Himself. The king was enraged by his wife's interference and ordered her to be killed immediately.
The next day Maximian called Catherine for the last time and invited her to become his wife, promising her all the benefits of the world. But Saint Catherine would not hear of it. Seeing the futility of all his efforts, the king ordered her to be put to death, and the warrior cut off her head in 304.
Subsequently, the holy remains of the Great Martyr Catherine came to Mount Sinai and have since been kept here in the monastery named after her. Emperor Peter the Great donated a precious shrine for her relics.

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