Andrey Sorokin
What will we give The Church for her Birthday?

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Andrey Sorokin

Trinity is an important holiday in the Orthodox calendar. At Christmas we rejoice like children, at Easter we are convinced that Christ has risen and the sting of death is not terrible, but at Trinity we understand that we are all one, all in Christ. At least, that's how it should be.

When the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles, they all spoke in all the languages of the world. This is hard to believe today, especially if you know the origin of languages. But that's why faith is given to us, so that in moments of doubt, in moments of painful reflection, we simply trust God and do not bother with unnecessary knowledge or our earthly hardships. If all Orthodox celebrate the birthday of the Church, then it's time to think about what gifts we can give to the Church? What gifts do we bring to the Church?

Well, yes, the Church, it's not buildings at all – it's all of us, Orthodox people with Christ. So what will we give to all of us? What can each of us give? In our material vanity, the word "gift" is associated with something very substantial, tied with a festive ribbon, and a bow on the side. But after all, gifts can be different. What if we give all of us a box of prudence? A bouquet of virtues? Or an elegant box with honesty? Or a whole chest of love? It seems that such gifts are not enough for all of us? So what prevents all of us from giving it to all of us? By deed and word. At least with intent, because the Lord blesses him, according to the word of John Chrysostom.

If we celebrate the birthday of the Church with such gifts, then, without a doubt, the Lord's grace and flames will descend on us. Then we will understand the word of God in all languages. And then with a strong and kind faith (and the knowledge that this is really so!) We can say that Christ is and will be in our midst.

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