St. Theophan the Recluse: No Middle Ground

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Friday, June 2 (May 20), 2023
Acts 27:1-44; Jn. 17:18-26  

As Thou, Father, art in Me, and I in Thee, that they also may be one in us…I in them, and Thou in Me” [Jn. 17:21-23].  Behold the golden chain which links us with the Heaven!  We the humans fell into sin, but the Mediator has appeared, Who is One with God the Father and has become one with the human race.  By becoming one with Him, we get united, in Him and through Him, with God the Father.

Glory be to Thy boundless mercy, O God, One in Three Persons, Whose good will has established such a bright way for us to become god-like!   The Lord lifts us up high; so, never deny His blessing, confess His mercy and praise His unspeakable goodness!   By refusing to follow Him to that height, you might pretend to humble yourself, but in truth you display gross ingratitude and carelessness about His lofty gift.

Rest assured, there is no middle ground: it is either all or nothing.  Refusing this height means staying out and down below, in pain and bitterness, now and ever.

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