St. Theophan the Recluse: Marvelous Edifice of the Church

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Wednesday, March 15 (2), 2023
No Liturgy ─ no New Testament reading appointed 

It is remarkable that Wisdom is calling the foolish: ”Whoso is simple, let him turn in hither” [Prov. 9:4].  That is, for the clever ones there is no admission to the house of Wisdom which is the Holy Church.  In other words, any kind of cleverness ought to be put aside at the very entrance.  By the same token, if wisdom and knowledge are here in this house, then outside, beyond its realm, there is nothing but folly, ignorance and blindness. 

What a marvelous edifice of the Lord!  Entering the Church, leave all your cleverness ─ and become truly wise; leave all your activism ─ and become a genuine doer, leave all your self-reliance, renounce yourself ─ and take real control of your whole life.  Oh, if only the world could understand this truth!  But it remains hidden.  In its ignorance, the world reviles God’s wisdom and keeps the eyes of its foolish wizards fast shut.

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