St. Theophan the Recluse: Law of Divine Gardening

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Monday,  May 29 (16), 2023
Acts 21:8-14; Jn. 14:27-15:7

The Lord Jesus Christ is the grape vine [Jn. 15:1], while the Christians are branches and sprouts.  We get attached to Him through our faith and bear fruit through living by the faith.  The Heavenly Father is the husbandman who takes care of this vine.  He cuts off any branch which does not bear fruit ─ that is, anyone who believes but does not live by the faith; and those who bear fruit ─ that is, those who not only believe but strive to live by the faith ─ them He cleanses, that is, helps to do good, or bring forth more fruit of the faith [Jn. 15:2].

Let everyone set up his own life according to this divine law.  Remember that without the Lord we cannot do anything good at all [Jn. 15:5].  Call unto Him in any need, and may His holy and sweetest name be always present in your mind, heart and speech.

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