St. Theophan the Recluse: Threat to the Simple-Minded

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Saturday, June 8 (May 26), 2024
Acts 15:35-41; Jn. 10:27-38 

Though ye believe not Me, believe My works”, ─ says the Lord [Jn. 10:38].  Lord’s works were clear for everyone, and He could point to them openly.  That was healing diseases, casting out daemons, power over natural forces, perception of human thoughts, foretelling the future, power of His words and authority over human souls.   All that clearly proved that Jesus was the Christ of God and that His word was true.

Much more has been added to this list since then:  His amazing death, His glorious Resurrection, ascension into the heavens, descent of the Holy Spirit, foundation of His Church, miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit in the believers, victory over pagan worship, and the power of the Divine Grace which is active in the Church of God through this day.  These are the works of the Lord.  We can say to any unbeliever: “If you do not believe the words, believe these works which loudly testify to the divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, and when you believe, accept the whole truth of His teaching.

But how did the Jews respond to the Lord back then?  “They sought again to take  Him” [Jn. 10:39].  And what about modern-day unbelievers?   They tangle lie upon lie, to “take” not the Lord Himself ─ for this is beyond their power ─ but those simple-minded ones who cannot untangle their crafty entanglements.

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