St. Theophan the Recluse: The Day of the Lord

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Wednesday, February 28 (15), 2024
2Peter 3:1-18; Mk. 13:24-31

The day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night” [2Peter 3:10]. A thief would sneak in at night when no one is expecting him; the same can be said of the day of Lord’s coming.  But if we don’t expect the Lord to come, then we fail to get ready to meet with Him.  For that reason, lest we allow this to happen, the Lord warns us further: “Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come” [Mt. 24:42].

Do we heed to His words?  Do we watch?  Do we expect Him to come?  To be honest, not really.  Some of us might expect death, but hardly anyone expects the day of the Lord.  And it might seem like they are right: our fathers and forefathers expected it to come long time ago, and it never came.  Thus, seeing no reason why it should come right now, we have all but forgotten about it.

 Given such an attitude of ours, little wonder if the day of the Lord will strike us at night as a thief.  We will be then like residents of a town which the Governor had promised to visit very soon.  They waited for him for a few hours or a little longer and then said: “Well, he isn’t showing up… forget it”, ─ and left for their homes.  But as soon as they left, ─ here he goes.  That’s exactly what will happen to us.  Whether we expect it or not, the day of the Lord will surely come without notice, as He said: “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away” [Mt. 24:35].  Wouldn’t it then be better to watch out and be ready, lest we are caught off-guard?  For if we are, we will pay dearly for that…

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