St. Theophan the Recluse: Reading the Word of God

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Sunday, November 26(13), 2023
25th Sunday after Pentecost
Eph. 4:1-6; Lk. 10:25-37      

Responding to the question about salvation, the Lord in turn asks a question: “What is written in the law? how readest thou?” [Lk. 10:26].  By that He shows that solution for any problem ought to be sought primarily in the Divine Scripture. 

And to avoid the problems in the first place, we should always read the Scripture with the utmost attention, with discernment and empathy, and immediately put into effect what we have read ─ be it related to ideas and reasoning, or to emotions and attitudes, or to practical actions and behavior.   When we heed to the Word of God, we acquire true enlightenment in our vision of ourselves, of all things around and above us;  for any given set of circumstances we find what our obligations are, and handling holy commandments as precious pearls, string them with the thread of our conscience which guides us, clearly and steadily, to doing God’s will.

Human passions are invariably calmed down by the Holy Scripture.  No matter which passion troubles you, take and read the Word of God, and see the passion tapering down and eventually giving up its attack.  Those who are rich in their knowledge of the Word of God are guided by the pillar of cloud which once went before the people of Israel in the wilderness.

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