St. Theophan the Recluse: No Miracles, No Salvation

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Monday, May 27 (14), 2024
Acts 10:1-16; Jn. 6:56-69                                            

After the Lord had spoken about the Sacrament of His Body and Blood, after He had shown it as the only means of communion with Him, as the source of true life, then “many of His disciples went back, and walked no more with Him” [Jn. 6:66].  Such incredible mercy of God was too miraculous for them, and being disposed against miracles, they turned away from the Lord.  The Lord saw that, and even though He was ready to be crucified for everyone’s salvation, He did not find it possible to eliminate of reduce the miraculous ─ so indispensable it is for our salvation!

Certainly with regret, but He allowed those who left Him to go into darkness of faithlessness and perdition, and even added on that occasion, addressing the twelve disciples: “Will ye also go away?”  [Jn. 6:67]   He was ready to let them go also, should they refuse to submit to the miraculous. 

Therefore, rejecting miracles is the same as rejecting Lord the Savior, and shunning the miraculous in fact means perishing.  Take notice, all those who are revolted by a mere reference to a miracle!  You are also certain to encounter a miracle, without a chance to reject it: that will be your own death and the Judgment thereafter.  But only God knows whether that last miracle will be unto your salvation…

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