St. Theophan the Recluse: God Does See

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Friday,  May 17 (4), 2024
Acts 5:1-11; Jn. 5:30-6:2

What was the reason for Ananias and Sapphira sinning so terribly [Acts 5:1-11]?  They forgot that God knows everything they are doing and thinking.  If only they kept in mind that God sees everything both inside and outside, they would not even think of lying to the Apostles.

This is also the root cause of all our sins and sinful designs.  We manage to hide them from the human eye and presume that we are all set.  People, indeed, see nothing and pay us a lot of respect, but this does not make us any better.  Thinking of that, let everyone repeat to himself: “Why doth Satan fill my heart to lie before God” [Acts 5:1-3]?  His sight is brighter than the sun; He can see into the innermost depth of our hearts; we cannot hide from Him in the darkness of night, in the sea, in a cave.  Remember this and act accordingly, both in public and in private.

Had God been just a side observer, we could have been careless about his absolute knowledge, but He is the Judge; and since nothing is hidden from Him, He often pronounces His verdict sooner than we expect it.  He might have already decided to pronounce a sentence over our own cases right now, while we are pretending to hide our sins in a foggy lie: “God does not see…

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