St. Theophan the Recluse: Where Is Christian Philosophy?

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Tuesday, June 18 (5), 2024
Acts 21:26-32; Jn. 16:2-13                                    

When He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth” [Jn. 16:13].  No textbooks in philosophy ever mention this source of knowledge.  No wonder that pagan books miss out this point, but why isn’t it present in Christian books?  Should a Christian, when he enters the realm of deep thought and philosophy, cease to be a Christian?  Should he forget this firm and true promise, given to him by the Lord?

 Much is being said about observing and listening, about getting empirical knowledge of the world we live in; likewise, much is being taught about drawing conclusions from observations; but when it comes to making sense of all the acquired evidence, a scholar is always left to his own devices.  Why not remind him:  you have the revelations of the Spirit of truth ─ so, follow them; they positively determine the meaning of all things and events in this world, for they come from the Lord Who is the source of our very existence.

Forgetting this is the root cause of the wave of futile speculations which have flooded us lately, so that books about the material world have nothing but wild guesses in them.  One could only wish they were at least plausible guesses rather than childish babble.

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