Tuesday, July 9 (June 26), 2024
Rom. 7:14-8:2; Mt. 10:9-15
The Lord told the Apostles that if any city does not receive them and does not listen to their words, “It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment, than for that city” [Mt. 10:15]. And what will happen to us for our disregard of the Word of God? There will be no measure to our misery. Disbelief in the Lord’s truth after having so many positive proofs is just the same as the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit [Mt. 12:31]. And yet we have no fear.
Some get consolation from spiritualists: “Judgment? What judgment? After death we will be simply re-born!”. Others are duped by the pundits: “You won’t even be around to stand trial! Everything consists of atoms; atoms will scatter, and that’s it”. But, my friends, the hour of death will come, one way or another; your daydreams will disappear with no trace, and you will behold the reality in all its starkness. Then what?...
Miserable are our times! The enemy is destroying our souls with impunity. He knows that fear of death and Last Judgment is the best means for sobering up a human soul, ─ so he is busy expunging it, and quite successfully to that. But as soon as this fear is gone, the fear of God will be gone as well, and without fear of God our conscience is totally mute. So our soul becomes void, like a waterless cloud, carried about by any wind of false teachings and evil passions [Jude 1:12].