Sunday, August 11 (July 29), 2024
7th Sunday after Pentecost
Rom. 15:1-7; Mt. 9:27-35
“According to your faith be it unto you” ─ said the Lord to the two blind men, and their eyes immediately opened [Mt. 9:29]. Grace of God is given to us by the measure of our faith.
Through faith we receive grace, by means of faith we keep it. This is just like physical differences between men: those who have lungs larger than others, can take and keep more air. So also some people have stronger faith, and some ─ weaker; some receive more gifts from the Lord, and some ─ less.
God is everywhere; His hands are holding every creature. He loves to dwell in human souls, yet He would not enter therein by force ─ even though He is almighty ─ but only, so to speak, when we invite Him: He respects freedom and autonomy which He has given to men and would never violate them.
If you open the door of your soul by faith, the Lord comes in and fills it; if you lock it by faithlessness, He does not come in, no matter how close to you He might be. Increase our faith, O Lord! For faith is also a gift from Thee, and we can only accept or reject it. Each one of us should pray: “I am poor and needy: make haste unto me, O God…” [Ps. 70:5].