St. Theophan the Recluse: Modest Appearance a Must

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Monday, August 5 (July 23), 2024
1Cor. 5:9-6:11; Mt. 13:54-58

The Nazarenes did not believe the word of God because He, while living among them, had neither fascinating demeanor, nor respectable appearance [Mt. 13:54-55]. “We know Him”, ─ they would say, ─ “There is nothing special about Him!”

This, however, did not move the Lord to take on any kind of glorious appearance:  He always remained extremely modest.  The Apostles followed His example, and so did their true followers and disciples. Why so?  Because no external luster can possibly match the light of life in Christ Jesus.  Admittedly, one should have a lowly, modest appearance, so that it would not eclipse the substance. 

If you have eyes to see, look straight at the substance, giving no attention to the appearance.  St. Paul put it this way: “We have this treasure in earthen vessels” [2Cor. 4:7].  If we could only look at those whom we now revere so highly, whom we call upon in our prayers, we would be astonished ─ how simple and modest they were.  But even to this day, anyone who grasps the nature of genuine Christian life, gets to disregard his own appearance and focus on his inner substance, moving it towards growth and perfection.

It often happens that nobody would notice that inner glory, not even the one who has it.  Human eye is wicked: so, real good is hidden from men as long as it can be harmful for them.

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