St. Theophan the Recluse: Confess Him Before Men

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Friday, July 12 (June 29), 2024
Rom. 9:6-19; Mt. 10:32-36, 11:1

Whosoever therefore shall confess Me before men, him will I confess also before My Father which is in heaven” [Mt. 10:32].  Is it really hard to confess the Lord?  Not at all.

What can be easier than saying at a right moment that our Lord Jesus Christ is God and the only-begotten Son of God, Who for us came to earth, was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and became man, was crucified, suffered and died, and rose on the third day, ascended into the heavens and sits at the right hand of God the Father, and will come again to judge the living and the dead, ─ Who sent His Holy Spirit to the Apostles, by Whose power they have established on earth the Holy Church which, by teaching the truth and sanctification through the sacraments, leads all her faithful children on the sure path to the Heavenly Kingdom?

All that we repeat every time when we recite the Creed.  Hold unto these truths, imprint them in your heart, and be ready, without fear of anyone, to witness: this, and only this, is the true faith, leading to salvation.  Consequently, be ready to endure any scorn you are likely to receive for your testimony.

Stop the mouth of false teachers and scorners of Christ by the word of truth, and you will get the promised award from the Lord: you confess Him God and Savior before men, and He will confess that you are His faithful disciple and confessor before God the Father.

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