Sunday, September 1 (August 19), 2024
10th Sunday after Pentecost
1Cor. 4:9-16; Mt. 17:14-23
“This kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting” [Mt. 17:21]. If that kind of daemons can be cast out from the soul by prayer and fasting of another person, then it certainly cannot enter into anyone’s soul if he keeps his own fast and has his own prayer.
Such is the defense from daemons! Even though daemons are numerous, even though the air is literally filled with them, they are powerless against you, if you are guarded by prayer and fasting. True fasting means constant self-restraint in all matters; it defends you from outside. True prayer means constant connection with the Lord; it is a fiery weapon assailing the enemy from inside.
If you keep fast and have prayer, the daemons perceive that and run away from you in fear of getting hurt. Would it then be right to say that wherever fasting and prayer are missing, the daemons are sure to be there? Yes, that’s right. For daemons, when they take possession of a human soul, at first might not show their presence: they could hide inside and covertly pull you away from good towards evil ─ so that you feel like you are fully in charge of your own actions, while in fact you are already under control of your enemy. But start seriously fasting and praying ─ and you will force the daemons out of your soul. They will leave, but remain somewhere around, watching out for a chance to come back, ─ and they indeed do come back as soon as you drop prayer and fasting.