Saturday, December 14(1), 2024
Gal. 1:3-10; Lk. 9:37-43
Having come down from the mountain of Transfiguration, the Lord heals the child possessed of the evil spirit. Before that, however, we hear His reproof of faithlessness as a reason why His disciples could not cast out the evil spirit [Lk. 9:37-41]. No matter whom he reproved ─ either the father who brought his child, of the people who were standing around, or maybe even the Apostles, ─ it is clear that lack of faith shuts the door of Lord’s mercy and help, while faith opens it, just as the Lord said to the father of the sick child: “If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth” [Mk. 9:23].
Faith, when it is personal, is not limited to the mind: it encompasses the entire human being. Faith is based upon mutual trust between the two parties, even though it might not be expressed in words. One entrusts himself to the other person completely; he does not hedge against rejection or refusal of any sort, does not admit even a thought about that, like a little child towards his father, absolutely sure of his help, protection and commitment. Such an attitude from one person to another always calls for reciprocity and forms a very strong bond between people. But the full strength of faith can be achieved only when its object, rather than a human being, is God Himself, the Almighty, Omniscient, All-merciful, willing and capable of giving us all good.
A truly faithful to God is never frustrated in his expectations. If we have some kind of a need and, asking for help, do not receive it, this is due to our lack of faith. First and foremost, we ought to seek fullness of faith and implant it in our heart, ask the Lord for it, implore Him to grant it ─ for true faith is not a human skills but a gift from God. Remember how the father of the sick child responded to Lord’s reproof: “And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help Thou mine unbelief” [Mk. 9:24]. His faith was weak, faltering, and he prayed for its strength and firmness. And who could possibly boast that his faith is perfect and has no need to pray “help Thou mine unbelief”??
If our faith were strong, then we would have purity in thoughts, holiness in senses and righteousness in actions. Then the Lord would heed to us like a father heeding to his children; whatsoever we would wish in our hearts ─ and under such conditions we could wish only a good thing, pleasant to the Lord ─ we would have surely and immediately received that from Him.