St. Theophan the Recluse: Hypocrisy

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Thursday, December 5 (November 22), 2024
1Thess. 5:1-8;  Lk. 11:47-12:1

Beware ye of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy” [Lk. 12:1].  Hypocrisy means doing things for the sake of publicity.  Doing things in public is no hypocrisy per se: most of our activities, necessary for the fellow men, are conducted in the public view.  It is commendable, of course, to do your job staying in the shadow, but it is not always possible; therefore, sweeping accusations of hypocrisy directed at public figures in general are unfair: these people could have sincere desire to do good, while publicity is an unavoidable by-product of active public life.

Hypocrisy begins when the purpose of doing good is supplanted by the purpose of looking like doing good.  Even that is not always a major offence, though: it could be caused by an incidental attack of sinful thoughts, detected and scattered at the next moment.  But when someone consistently aims at establishing a reputation of a kind, righteous man, then hypocrisy is entering deeply into his heart, and when, on top of that, a hidden agenda is pursued to take material advantage of such a reputation, then, of course, it is a showcase of the most vicious hypocrisy.

Take notice, then, what the Lord requires from us when He is warning us to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees.   Let our good works be motivated by our desire to serve our neighbors, to follow God’s commandments, to glorify the Lord, ─ but never to gain publicity among men.  Thus we will always keep ourselves clear of hypocrisy.

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