Thursday, November 14(1), 2024
Col. 1:24-29; Lk. 9:7-11
Having heard of the miracles which Christ the Savior was working, Herod said, “John have I beheaded: but who is This?” ─ and desired to see Him [Lk. 7:9]. Desired to see, and sought a chance to, but never found one: rather than searching faith and salvation, he was merely driven by idle curiosity.
Curiosity is like tickling of one’s mind; it cares little about the truth, but a lot about the exciting news. So, it would not be content with the truth, willing to find or fabricate something special instead and attract curious searchers. The truth here has to take a back seat, behind fictitious devices of a proud mind.
In our days this is typical for Germans: German Protestants are obsessed with fiction. As if with thick fog, they have covered the entire realm of God’s truth with their fictions. Be it the basic tenets of the faith, or moral teachings, or the history, or the holy Scripture, ─ everything is so clogged by fictions that the truth is totally inaccessible; and still more and more fiction is being designed by the Germans and their like-minded allies.
The truth of God is simple: would a proud mind really care about it? Of course it wouldn’t; it would rather make up something catchy, let it be hollow and worthless like cobweb. Just look at the ever-changing modern theories which pretend to explain the origins of the universe: they resemble drunkard’s delirium, though how dear they are to their inventors! A lot of time and effort is being spent to no avail. All those scholars miss the whole point: “He spoke, and they were made; He commanded, and they were created” [Ps. 148:5] ─ and no one can offer anything better than this simple solution to the problem.